Wiki Billing Office Visits with Injections

Reno, NV
Best answers
I need help location the following verbage:

'If you are billing for an injection in the same body part, for the same diagnosis, within a 3 year time frame, correct coding says you are not entitled to bill the E & M.'

I have search CMS to no avail. My main concern is the '3 year time frame', has anyone seen this before and if so where?

Thank you for your time,
It has nothing to do with timing but rather the reason for the encounter. If the reason was to receive the injection, then it does not matter, new or established, you do not have a significant and separate E&M. If the patient presents for other reasons and an injection is also perform, then as long as the documentation clearly supports significant and separately identifiable E&M you append the 25 modifier and submit the visit level(new or established) with the injection.
Thank you Debra for confirming that I wasn't going crazy. I had never heard of the timing comment and had always based on documentation etc, I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed something.