Wiki Billing Office Angio Supplies

Gallatin, TN
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Does anyone bill supplies for arthrectomy procedures? I am having difficulty finding HCPCS codes for the following supplies and wondering what other sources I could use to locate the appropropriate codes, just unable to locate in the HCPCS: Tegaderm, Non-rebreather mask, dermabond, celero biopsy gun, d-stat, inred 18g biopsy gun, plavix, effient tab, nitroglycerin, perclose, starclose, medline angio pack. Is there anyone out there I could contact? thx!
We perform these procedures in our office angio suite and we bundle our cost of the supplies in the procedure code itself, like 37227. The reimbursement from Medicare for that code is $14,296.81 when performed in place of service 11.
We also bundle the cost of the supplies into the cases, in a POS 11 most carriers will not reimburse you for HCPCS codes. I know that I can not get reimbursement for a angioseal even when just a diagnositic aortagram/angiogram is done.