Wiki Billing of Professional Fees


Vernon, TX
Best answers
Hello, I work at a clinic in a rural community. Your hospitalist is also the town physician. I have been billing his hospitalist professional fees separate from the facility ub04 bill. Our new administration wants use to start billing his hospitalist charges under the the in/out patient visit number. Should we be doing it like we have been or using the hospital number. When I bill out his professional hospitalist charges, it goes out on a 1500 and has the facility and service address as the hospital address. I just need a little guidance, please.
I don't know what you mean by billing 'under the patient visit number', can you explain? The physician claims should be billed under the tax ID and the credentials of the organization that is compensating him for the particular services he is performing and if that's the case, it sounds like you are doing it correctly. Most payers will not reimburse physician services if they are included on the facility UB claim. What exactly is it that they are proposing to change as far as the billing goes?