Wiki billing OB Global HELP


San Antonio, TX
Best answers
I am not a biller and have no clue how this works.
I am trying to figure out if a copay can be charged for 59425 and 59426

I don't understand the global billing? antepartum is included in the global charge so why are there codes for antepartum office visits?

Thank you,
These are not the global codes. The global codes 59400, 59510, 59610, 59618 are for routine OB care including Antepartum, Delivery & Postpartum

You would bill these codes unless for example the patient was high risk or switched practices mid pregnancy where you can break out and bill for only the services your provider performed.

The codes you listed are only billed if the provider only performed the antepartum visits only.
The above response is correct. You'd use the 59425 or 59426 in the instance that your provider only rendered the antepartum care and no delivery care or you your provider did perform the delivery but you are unable to bill the global (59400, 59510, etc.) because a limited amount of prenatal care (i.e. the patient transferred to care to the practice at 35 weeks).