Wiki Billing Medicare Bone Density before the 2 years is up.......


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I work in a family practice clinic. Can anyone help me with a bone density question. If a patient needs a follow up bone density and it has not been 2 years from their last one, can I bill this? All the Medicare guidelines I find says that Medicare will pay for this. I have billed the 77080 10 thousand different ways but Medicare always denies if it is within the two years. The following is a couple ways I have tried and been denied payment.
77080 733.00, V58.65
77080 V58.65, 733.00
Thank you!!!
Coding clinic states that this is to be coded with the V58.83 first listed since the reason for the follow up is not that you know the have the osteo but that you are checking to see if the drug is being effective, use the V58.65 second and the 733.00 last.