Wiki Billing J1010

West Point, MS
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How are you billing the J1010. How do you use different NDC #'s with 1 HCPCS code? Can anyone help me with this? Just trying to understand the billing of this code now. Thank you in advance for your help.
How are you billing the J1010. How do you use different NDC #'s with 1 HCPCS code? Can anyone help me with this? Just trying to understand the billing of this code now. Thank you in advance for your help.
With our EMR I have to go into another screen and put in 80 mg and don't use units but use the mg. It is billed per mg now. Make sure the mg is used and that might take care of the problem. The NDC numbers will depend how you purchase, by vial or box. If a box, use that NDC. It will not matter with the J1010 since that is covering different strengths. The NDC will identify the strength.