Wiki Billing For Workers Compensation

HCFA Box 30

Thanks for your response. I apologize for the delay. Right now we are having push back from a carrier that states that when charges on submitted on multiple HCFAs that the bill can be mistakenly denied as a duplicate because of the balance in Box 30. The question is do you think its more of a HCFA error or a technical error with carrier due to the carrier splitting up the HCFA forms.
Not sure why you would need more than 12 diagnoses or 6 CPT codes on a professional claim. Is this really the case why you would submit multiple pages for a single claim? I would imagine that each case file has a unique body part. Are you perhaps filing multiple body parts on the same claim form? In any case, having more than one form per bill makes it very easy for the payor to deny. As an example, for Department of Labor issues, they assign a unique claim per body part and often a patient comes in for multiple body parts. Where I work, each body part (case file) has it's own 99080 report and HCFA 1500 form submitted per visit.

I would suggest for your EHR person to keep separate accounts per body part and not aggregate them all in one chart. Have a separate chart per case file. As per above example, the DOL patient has two injury sites with two different claim numbers. That patient would have two patient control numbers ( two charts in our EHR). That way, Box 30 will only reflect the body part/case file involved in that assessment. Hope that helps.
Thank you. It does. It is interesting that you have the CPT Code 99080 in your reply. I was currently billing to Department of Labor (Federal Government), and they are denying the code as obsolete. I will do my research for this code, but do you have an update for this code?