Wiki Billing for two separate injuries to two insurances

Hightstown, NJ
Best answers
I have a patient who was treating for a work comp injury to the neck. She had a car accident one day on the way to therapy. The chiropractor wants to see her for the MVA which was a lower back injury. Can he bill both insurances for the same day of service, one the cervical injury to work comp, the lumbar injury to the MVA? I am trying to find the exact guidelines for this so I can show him if he can or can't. Thanks!
Two billings

I have thirty three years of medical billing experience. As far as I know you cannot bill both services to each insurance company.

If the work comp injury is to the cervical, then you can only bill for procedures that are related to the cervical or work comp injury area. In this case its the cervical area.

For the lower spine, you can only bill to the MVA insurance.

Hope this answers your questions.