Wiki Billing for Triage and ER fee


Chadron, NE
Best answers
We are a CAH and I would like to know if you can bill for triage and for the ER facility fee or is the triage included in the facility fee if the patient is seen by a provider. In other words, a patient comes into the ER, is triaged by the nursing staff, and then the patient leaves or is sent to the clinic for lower level care. We bill would bill for just the triage and not a professional component. But, if the patient is triaged and then moved to the ER, would we bill both the triage charge and the ER facility fee? Or just the ER facility fee? Thank you in advance.
The facilities that I've worked with it's always been included in the ER fee, but I'm not aware that it's a requirement that it be done this way. Even so, I'm not sure what benefit there would be in separating it out - that sounds like a lot of extra work that would result in little, if any, additional revenue.
The facilities that I've worked with it's always been included in the ER fee, but I'm not aware that it's a requirement that it be done this way. Even so, I'm not sure what benefit there would be in separating it out - that sounds like a lot of extra work that would result in little, if any, additional revenue.
Thank you for your response. I agree.