Wiki Billing for Telephone Conversations


Highlands ranch, CO
Best answers
Here is an interesting one...

The physician wants to bill a telephone conversation with the patient's employer's lawyer. Their conversation went over the chronology of events from the initial visit through present day visits. There is no documentation for how much time he spent on the phone and wants to bill this to workers comp.

I am pretty sure this is un-billable, but I wanted everyone's opinion on this. Thanks for looking :D
Billing for telephone conversations

I agree with your initial instinct. This appears to be non-billable. If you need to get this out of your queue, then perhaps you can term it as a phone consult, V65.8, and type in enc by phone.
If anything, he wouldnt bill this to workers comp, he would bill directly to the lawyer, but he would have had to state in advance what his fee would be and would have had to document the time spent and what exactly was discussed.