Wiki Billing for supplies?


Rockmart, GA
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Two of our doctors have clinics where they perform venous ablations. We rent these spaces from the hospital and provide all our own equipment and supplies. My question is can we bill for these supplies. For example we use a vnus medical technologies inc closurefast procedure pack that cost us nearly $500.00. We also use medicines such as lidocaine, lido/ epi, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium chloride. While I don't want to over bill, I would like to make sure we are capturing all the services provided.
Two of our doctors have clinics where they perform venous ablations. We rent these spaces from the hospital and provide all our own equipment and supplies. My question is can we bill for these supplies. For example we use a vnus medical technologies inc closurefast procedure pack that cost us nearly $500.00. We also use medicines such as lidocaine, lido/ epi, sodium bicarbonate, and sodium chloride. While I don't want to over bill, I would like to make sure we are capturing all the services provided.

If you've jumped through all the hoops (paying fair market value, etc.) and are able to bill these spaces as office, then all of these supplies are included and not separately billable. Specifically, the RBRVS file shows that kit, endovascular laser treatment $ 519 is included in the PE value (along with other miscellaneous supplies such as lidocain, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, marking pen, shoe covers, ultrasound transmission gel, surgical cap, etc.) All of those supplies are why when you bill the procedure in your own office you get so much more money than when you do the procedure in a hospital. (national unadjusted rate for 36478: $1,448.98 vs $362.50.

If you are billing these as hospital outpatient, then only the hospital can bill the supplies.