Wiki Billing for "supervising" services?


Sanford, ME
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I have a Family Practice provider who wants to charge an emergency room visit where he "supervises" the PA in the ER. This PA does not bill for her services but all the documentation is under her name and not my provider. My doc says he does do his own "pertinent" history and exam on the side.
If my doc were to co-sign the PA's note would that be enough for me to bill my doc's service?
I should mentioned that there is an ER physcian who also bills for his service.

I thank anyone who can help with this.

so did the ER physician call your physician in to see the patient? If so it is OK for your physician to bill, AS LONG AS he has his own note that states he saw the patient and examined him. It cannot be just signing off on the PAs note. This comes under the shared services definition and he can bill under his number.
We have several PA's that are working in the ER (paid by the hospital a flat rate) and what they do is start the admission process then they notify "my doc" of this potential admission so my doc sees this patient "in tandem" with the PA. ** There is a whole different ER doc that also evaluates the patient in tandem with this PA but he has his own documentation. So basically the ER physicain bills for his service and I believe my doc can also bill for his work (again the PA does not bill separately for her work) but am wondering what/how my doc needs to documente.

so did the ER physician call your physician in to see the patient? If so it is OK for your physician to bill, AS LONG AS he has his own note that states he saw the patient and examined him. It cannot be just signing off on the PAs note. This comes under the shared services definition and he can bill under his number.

We have several PA's that are working in the ER (paid by the hospital a flat rate) and what they do is start the admission process then they notify "my doc" of this potential admission so my doc sees this patient "in tandem" with the PA. ** There is a whole different ER doc that also evaluates the patient in tandem with this PA but he has his own documentation. So basically the ER physicain bills for his service and I believe my doc can also bill for his work (again the PA does not bill separately for her work) but am wondering what/how my doc needs to documente.

Your physician must document a note detailing his physical exam, he may referr to the PAs documentation, HOWEVER this PA must be in collaboration with your physician or it is a no go. A PA cannot work in tandem with two docs from different practices, so who does the PA work with? If he is not your physicians PA then your physician can see the patient but must have all original documentation.
No this PA is not one of my physicains*** Thank you very much for your help..I am in the process of contacting our medical records department to see if they can shed any light on this.
I appreciate your input:)
If the hospital employs the PA they should be billing them as part of their facility fee. Therefore it would be double dipping to try and bill anything from the provider side based on what the PA did.

If your provider wants to bill, he needs to do and document the work himself.
