Wiki Billing for Rocephin Injection


Saratoga Springs, UT
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Hi - we have a patient come in that we are giving Rocephin 1gm IM to for the next 3 days. Patients daughter is an RN and will be giving the shots to him at home. Would we need to bill that as we gave him 3 vials of Rocephin today? Or would we bill that as one done today, one tomorrow, and one the next day? would you suggest billing this?
What type of provider are you speaking for? If you are a physician office, you really should be only billing for drugs that you administer within the office. Medicare and many other payers only consider most physician services to be covered only if provided under their direct supervision in the office. If you are not a home health agency and not a pharmacy, it's probably best not to bill for dispensing of medications to a patient to be administered at home - best to have the physician order those from those types of providers.
thank you! It is for a family medicine clinic and I tried to tell the dr this was not allowed but he insisted it could be so I'm sticking to my thoughts and not billing this as it is not right to do so