Wiki Billing for Robotic Surgical Systom

Oshkosh, WI
Best answers
Hi Everyone,

I am inquiring if anyone is getting paid for using S2900 and if not how are you getting reimbursed for the added work by using this method.

Thank you
Previously, as a private practice, no insurance carrier would reimburse us for billing S2900, so we didn't bother.
We are now part of a large healthcare system that has customized reimbursement contracts with most insurance carriers. For 3 carriers, the health system was able to negotiate to get payment for S2900. Payment amount varies by carrier.
MOST carriers will not reimburse additional unless you were somehow able to negotiate your contract. The theory is using the daVinci system is not "extra work". It is simply a method used to perform a surgery. Think about it this way - if a new type of cautery device that works quicker is used, you wouldn't then expect a lesser payment.

FYI - an experienced robotic surgeon can do the robotic surgery in the same/similar amount of time as a traditional laparoscopic or open. One of my docs routinely does a daVinci laparoscopic hysterectomy in about 35-45 minutes.