Wiki Billing for Post Operative Visits

Manhattan, KS
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Can a Doctor from the same facility as the performing Doctor on the surgery bill for a post operative visit? I know that if a Doctor from a different facility that was NOT the performing Doctor on the surgery CAN bill for the post operative visit, I just need clarification on if that applies if they are in the same facility under the same TIN. Thank you.
Can a Doctor from the same facility as the performing Doctor on the surgery bill for a post operative visit? I know that if a Doctor from a different facility that was NOT the performing Doctor on the surgery CAN bill for the post operative visit, I just need clarification on if that applies if they are in the same facility under the same TIN. Thank you.
If they are from the same practice and are of the same specialty, then no, they are treated as if they are the same physician and any routine post-operative care that is part of the global package cannot be separately billed.