Wiki Billing for OB interview?


Niskayuna, NY
Best answers
If a patient comes in under the premise of wanting to interview your practice/doc for ob services. Can you bill a new patient visits for it if the patient chooses not to choose the practice?

The patient has has positive pregnancy test confirmed by another ob/gyn. Spent 40 minutes with the nurse, reviewing extensive medical background, Q & A about delivery philosophy, nutrition counseling, did serum lead screening, family history, long discussion about family history on blood clotting disorder in family history, BP and weight taken. No internal exam was done. This is the first time we have had a visit like this where the patient did not stay with the practice and it rolled into the global services. The nurse submitted for a 99203. I am thinking a 99202 at the most. The patient feels there should be no charge because she did not see a mid wife or physician. Thank you!
what an interesting scenario. does your office have a policy for consultations only? Was the patient made aware beforehand that should she choose NOT to stay with the practice, she would be liable for payment? I don't know if she meets the requirements of 99202 since the "exam" is only a BP and weight by the nurse. The "incident to" requirements for billing under the physician should be looked at.

so sorry this happened to you. looks like you had a very saavy patient who got some free advice. Maybe this has happened to someone else and they will advise you. sorry to be unhelpful but caveat emptor for the future.