Wiki billing for NPP'S


Rossville, GA
Best answers
One of my physicians is wanting to have an RN (NOT A NP) do initial consultations and some concurrent visits (while patient is in hospital) and he will review the information and sign off on it. (There will not always be face to face encounter by the physician). If he is reviewing the record and signing off, can I still bill the appropriate e/m code for the physician? I have looked for information to verify in writing for my practice manager, and have found nothing concrete. It would not really be a "shared visit" or "incident to"....can someone point me in the right direction?
An RN can never perform a patient assessment. Even as incident to the RN could not perform a complete encounter, a 99211 is the limit that can be charged if the RN is the one that sees the patient and only then if it meets incident to criteria. A PA or NP can see the the patient and bill as a visit but only under their own NPI if it does not meet incident to or shared encounter rules.
Thank you for your assistance. This is what I thought, but I have searched all over Medicare's website to show this in writing and could not find any information about RN...I appreciate your input.