Wiki Billing for Mobile Unit

Townsend, WI
Best answers

The clinic I work at is starting mobile unit services for ultrasounds. Our billing team is wondering if anyone else has experience billing these types of services and can answer our question or tell us where we can find information on how to bill for them. We know about the POS but since the ultrasound technician isn't credentialed with any insurance or has an NPI, do we bill those services as "incident to" using our provider or do we use the name of the ordering provider from the facility the technician will be visiting? We also assume we need to add the referring providers name on the claim form in box 17 for radiology services.

Any responses would be appreciated, thank you!
If your technician is going to medical facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, etc.) to perform these services, then you will need to invoice the facility for the service and seek reimbursement from them directly. It may be a good idea to get a contract in writing with the facility so that the arrangement is clear. You can't seek separate reimbursement from insurance for the technical components of ultrasounds performed in facilities because compensation for those services is already included in the rates that insurance companies pay on the UB claims and the facilities are responsible for those costs.