Wiki Billing for hyperplastic vs adenomatous polyps


East Haven, Connecticut
Best answers
I agree with what was posted previously on this forum, based on my research, D12 category should be used for adenomatous polyps and K codes when the polyps are hyperplastic.

But now I just read something that has me concerned. Does anyone else have a subscription to the "Gastroenterology Coding Alerts" by The Coding Institute? They posted an article for November "Keep This Colonic Polyp Code Guide at Hand to Maximize Returns." On page 82, under the heading "Hyperplastic" the article states that you should report hyperplastic polyps with D12.0 - D12.9. This is the opposite of what I have learned, and is very alarming. Has anyone else read this? What are your thoughts?
Hyperplastic vs Adenomatous

I saw the article published the Gastroenterology Coding Alert dated November 20, 2015 as well.....confused on this because everything else I read has said Hyperplastic should be coded with K codes, and Adenomatous use the D codes. I have not found many other articles posted on this yet, and wondering if they have an error in their article??