Wiki billing for hallway visit???

Decatur, TN
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Can anyone give me some advice on how to bill this service: NP was at hospital and spoke with patient (that is currently being treated at the office this patient works at the hospital and the NP just happened to run into them in the hallway) they discussed a problem that the patient is having and when the NP returned to the office she did a note in the patients chart and now wants the service billed to the patients insurance. How do I do this?
Don't think it can be billed

Was there a complete note of history/exam/MDM? Was there documentation of at least some type of tx plan? Sure, I can stop a doc in the hall at the hospital, tell him I have a headache and then he asks a couple questions - but IMO that can't be billed? Did the NP have that person make an appointment, especially since they already have a provider/patient relationship. That would be the best course and add the documentation of the hallway discussion in the visit note since it was relevant.

Would be interested in others' opinions on this.
There was a note done in the chart. The visit would be considered a 99212. I am just not certain if this is a billable visit. Even if I use 99212 with place of service 18. Because the patient is a nurse and employeed at the hospital were she was seen. I would feel more comfortable with some sort of reference material to go by. Should I simply call Cigna and ask if this billable? The NP says that her doctor used to see her in the hallway and then bill her insurance as if it was a visit and she wants to also. I am thinking that the patient may not realise that this was a visit and if it is billed and it is applied to her deductible (which it would) she may question it also. Plus the NP waived the co-pay. Just not sure how to handle this. Wondered if anyone out there has come across a similar situation.
Another thought - what could you use as the POS code? This isn't in the office, it isn't in the hospital outpatient center, certainly not an inpatient...

I would use this as a learning experience for the NP. I would not bill. Explain to the NP that this would be a courtesy visit and that in the future she could either give the patient courtesy advice or tell the patient politely that she prefer she make an appointment so that they can address the problem appropriately.
She also cannot waive a copay.
I am not sure how you can get to a level 2 even, with no exam no vital signs no ROS, the only thing you have is basically a question and an answer. I don't see that this is a billable encounter and you have no logical POS. If you read the entire description of 18, it does not apply. This NP does not engage with this employer for ongoing or episodic occupational medicine. So there is no existing POS code that can apply here except 99 which will probably not work.
In addition for any billable encounter the NP cannot waive the co pay.

I have to agree, this is not billable. We have several patients that run into our doc in the grocery store but she doesn't bill for it. There is no ROS or vitals. This was FREE. Sorry
Thank you everyone for your feedback. This was my gut feeling also. I did read the pos 18 description and I agree that it would not be appropriate to use. I have had several discussions with my NP regarding this matter and she still insists that it is billable. I have refused to bill this service and at this point I feel it is my only choice.