Some help please. Our physicians do Prostate Biopsies in the office and used to have the patients pick up the antibiotic Levaquin to take one day prior the day of and the day after their procedure.
My understanding from one of my docs is that there is now a resistance to this medication and our physicians are now giving the patients an injection in the office of Gentamicin 4ml prior to their procedure. They want to know if we can bill separately for this. Has anyone every billed for this medication and been reimbursed separately for it? And if so, how was it billed. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
My understanding from one of my docs is that there is now a resistance to this medication and our physicians are now giving the patients an injection in the office of Gentamicin 4ml prior to their procedure. They want to know if we can bill separately for this. Has anyone every billed for this medication and been reimbursed separately for it? And if so, how was it billed. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.