Wiki Billing for Freestanding ASC


Dallas, TX
Best answers
Could someone please confirm billing on a 1500 is the only option for a "Freestanding" ASC facility. There are no financial ties to a hospital. I hv been hired to clean up the A/R and payments have nearly stopped from all PPO's. There are so many errors in the coding and looks like most all encounters have been billed on UB's which is fine if this ASC has ties to a hospital but it does not. Its totally a stand alone.
Could someone please confirm billing on a 1500 is the only option for a "Freestanding" ASC facility. There are no financial ties to a hospital. I hv been hired to clean up the A/R and payments have nearly stopped from all PPO's. There are so many errors in the coding and looks like most all encounters have been billed on UB's which is fine if this ASC has ties to a hospital but it does not. Its totally a stand alone.
In doing payment audits for various payers, have seen freestanding ASC claims billed on both forms, but probably more often on the UB than the 1500. It's really going to depend on the payer contract and how they've credentialed the facility and set it up in their claims system. In your place, I would certainly not assume that one or the other form is correct until you've confirmed with the payer how they want the claims billed.
TY Thomas, I really appreciate the reply. It looks like I will have to call each payer as I go and ask because the facility does not have any copies.
TY Thomas, I really appreciate the reply. It looks like I will have to call each payer as I go and ask because the facility does not have any copies.
In your place, I would start by reviewing your provider's claims payment history. You should be able to learn a lot about how the payers have been processing the claims which will help you to determine whether or not the claims were billed correctly. It may also give you clues as to what things you will need to discuss with the payers when you call them and will give you some examples you can reference if needed.