Wiki Billing for fracture care vs E/M

Homer, MI
Best answers
Does anyone know if Orthopedics can stop billing fracture care and only bill the E/M charges of that initial consult and then E/M charges for subsequent office visits? This would attribute the RVU’s to the provider who is actually doing the work/seeing the patient. When the patient is seen in the ED by orthopedics it begins the bundle of “fracture care” which is frontloaded when it comes to RVU’s. The first surgeon to see the patient (or just be on call), gets the bulk of the RVU’s even though a subsequent surgeon then needs to see them off and on for the next year to make sure their fracture is healing well. I appreciate the help.
Is the ED physician billing with the correct modifier indicating that they will not be performing the entire global service? If the ED physician does not bill correctly, it creates a terrible ripple effect. I would start there because otherwise your going to be in the global period.