Wiki Billing for Diagnostic Testing

Morristown, TN
Best answers
We are a physicians office that has a Diagnostic Department. We have other doctors, that are not associated with us, that would like to send their testing to us. My problem is how do I bill for the test? These providers are not in our group. We do not have a radiologist and we send our tests out to a contracted radiologist to read. So who in the heck would I bill this test under?
Charlotte Morse, CPC

Bill the test with the TC modifier to indicate you're billing for the technical portion only..Your facility own's the equipment, but your physician is not reading the test.
you will put the name and NPI of the referring physician in 17 and 17B and the NPI of the provider on site while the test is performed in 24j and his name in 31. and yes use the TC modifier