Wiki Billing for Assistant Surgeon for Orthopedics

Claysburg, PA
Best answers
My company just recently expanded into a multi-specialty physicians office. I am new to billing and coding for orthopedics. Our orthopedic doctor performs surgery with an assistant surgeon. our coders are billing 2 claims, once for each physician and adding Modifier AS on the assistant surgeon's claim. Is this correct? Any info would be appreciated, thanks!
A separate claim is correct and normal for an assistant at surgery. However, it depends on the level of the assistant and the health plan as to what modifier is appended. If it is a PA, NP, other NPP normally you would append AS for the assistant. Some plans want 81 for the PA, NP, NPP assistant. If it is another surgeon it would be modifier 80.
This is not the same thing as co-surgery (62 modifier).

So, when you say assistant surgeon, that sounds like it is another physician and AS would not be correct, unless the payer is telling you to use that, but I have never seen a physician assistant surgeon claim have an AS.
