Wiki Billing for Arthroscopic repair of Rotator cuff

Razia Asghar

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My surgeon did repair of Supraspinatus and Subscapularis tendon repair arthroscopically. He has coded 29827 twice with a 59 modifier. The CPT code 29827 has the descriptor as " Arthroscopic repair of Rotator cuff" Anatomically Rotator cuff includes Subscapularis, Supra and infraspinatus and Teres minor muscle. I want to suggest to my surgeon that he can bill 29827 once only for repair of both muscles or attach a modifier 22 for the extra work but cannot bill it twice.

I need to discuss with my surgeon. I would appreciate it if some body can let me know the correct coding for this scenario.

Thanks and have a good day

Razia I. Asghar MB.BS, CPC, CCS-P
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