Wiki Billing for allergy injections when the provider is not in the office


Sioux City, Iowa
Best answers
I work in an allergy office that administers walk in allergy injections for our established patients. These patients have been allergy tested and seen by our physician and it has been determined that they would benefit medically from our allergy injection program. This is a 3 to 5 year program and commitment. We have always had a physician or arnp on site when administering these injections. There may come a time when we will not have access to the physician or arnp, just the rn's. Would we still be able to give the injections without a provider here, and do we bill under the md for them?

Sj/allergy office
The NPI you assign in field 24J must be physically present in the office at the time of service. since RNs are not issued NPI numbers the answer then is no.