Wiki Billing for a PA

Louisville, KY
Best answers
We are getting ready to start billing for our PA. I know they must have their own NPI etc. What I am wondering is if we need to bill any different than we do for a NP. Medicare says you just bill under the PA NPI# and they reimburse at the 85%. Is there anything else we need to do? A modifier perhaps? I am thinkiing we just bill under the PA and let Medicare do the rest? Is this the way everyone else is doing/billing it?
We are getting ready to start billing for our PA. I know they must have their own NPI etc. What I am wondering is if we need to bill any different than we do for a NP. Medicare says you just bill under the PA NPI# and they reimburse at the 85%. Is there anything else we need to do? A modifier perhaps? I am thinkiing we just bill under the PA and let Medicare do the rest? Is this the way everyone else is doing/billing it?

We bill for PA's and NP's and don't use modifiers for any clinic charges (E/M, injections, etc.), or for hospital E/M charges. Only use modifiers when they are assisting in surgery.

Hope this helps!