Wiki Billing for a deceased provider

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What is the protocol for billing services for a deceased provider. If the chart notes are complete, bu the billing hasn't been submitted prior to death, how is the billing submitted? Are there special modifiers? submit claims with a letter. The Billing ID's are terminated with insurance companies after a provider dies.
Hello. I am sorry for the loss. It has been since 2009 that I have billed for a deceased provider so this might not help. I had no training for this situation. I contacted each insurance company & inquired. I followed each company's instructions. Hopefully someone will reply with more up to date suggestions.
This is always an unfortunate situation, but since you have complete and signed medical records, the billing is fairly straightforward. You would bill the services rendered by the provider without any additional modifiers or other documentation. In the event a claim is denied and requires an appeal letter, at that point, I would include the completed record and information in the appeal letter.
If there are records that would require a provider query, those may not be able to be billed as the provider obviously cannot provide additional information that was not documented originally.
The provider should be listed as participating until his passing. It would be the same situation if a patient has passed. You still receive payment for services that were rendered prior.