Wiki billing during global??


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MY doc did a total hip on a pt and a few days later he was admitted for dislocation of that hip. Would you bill for E/M? The ER doc reduced my doc did follow up outpt hospital.
CPT states that "typical postoperative follow-up care" includes only that care which is usually a part of the surgical service. Complications, exacerbations, recurrence, or the presence of other diseases or injuries requiring additional services should be separately reported.

I dont think this would be typical....but I have had coders tell me not to code for infections during global??? Confused! Any help is MUCH appreciated!!!!
Hips aren't my specialty, but this sounds billable. Global post-op care is for routine issues associated with a surgery: wound care, minor infections, minor complications (i.e. minor issues related diabetes), suture removal, etc. Think all the care necessary for treatment of a routine procedure.

When the problem becomes "not-routine", then you can bill for them.

Brock Berta, CPC
So many gray areas! I would think a minor infection wouldnt be normal. Thanks for your opinion!!!