Wiki Billing Date & Physician Signature...

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If the physician has NOT signed off on the encounter or progress note can the claim still be billed as long as the doctor does sign off. For example. Lets say i'm working on claims for April 25th I find a progress note where the doctor has not signed off so i send him/her a message asking them to sign off on the progress note but go ahead and send the claim to the clearinghouse and check to make sure that the encounter does get signed off. Is this ok to do, or does the billing date need to come AFTER the doc sign date? Thank you!!!
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As long as your employer does not have a policy against doing so, it is not necessarily "wrong" to bill it before being signed. It is certainly not a good practice though. The clinician may edit/add/delete information before signing. So what you thought was a level 3 visit could change. Diagnosis codes could change. That being said, from my own personal experience, I may or may not bill depending on the environment I was working in. If I am working for a private practice with a physician I am very familiar with (and know they never edit before signing), I might go ahead and bill it. If I am working for a larger practice or with a unknown physician, I would absolutely wait until it's signed.
I would not recommend anyone else to bill for incomplete or unsigned records.
But in my 20+ years of billing, I have never heard of an insurance company refusing payment because a record was signed after the billing date.