Wiki Billing date for Capsule Endoscopy


Sinking Spring, PA
Best answers
What date should be used when billing Capsule Endoscopy; the date placed or the date read? The AGA states the rule changed as of April 1, 2012 to say that capsule endoscopy should be billed with the date of interpretation. The October 2013 Gastroenterololgy Coding Alert recommends the billing date be the date the capsule was swallowed. What is the correct answer?
To my knowledge-if you own the equipment and are doing the reading/report you bill the date that capsule was swallowed.

If you are only billing for the capsule (TC modifier)-the date it was swallowed.

If you are only billing for the reading/interpretation (26 modifier)-the date of the reading.

Hope this helps.
I agree completely with the previous answer. I did physician billing so we always billed on the date of report interpretation.