Wiki Billing code 20610 when pt brings in meds

Tacoma, Washington
Best answers
I am billing for the administration of the Injection for my doctors. The patient's are bringing in their own medication as Regence will no longer pay for Euflexxia Medication.
Does anyone else bill the same way?????
I'm not familiar with that injection but I've either used 90471 or 96372 when the patient brings in their own medication, but it depends on what kind of med.
J7323 Euflexxa is a hyaluronan derivative for joint injection only. So marci_ann is correct as the med drives the administrated in this case and 90471 or 96372 would not be appropriate use for this particular drug.

There shouldn't be any problem just billing the administration 20610. The carrier may require the NDC number on the claim showing a drug was administered. Some Medicaid plans make the patient get the drug from the pharmacy and bring it in, testosterone and DepoProvera are two that I am aware of. We could start seeing more instances where this is the case.
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I agree with OCD_coder...

You can simply bill the 20610 for Euflexxa injections in such situations. This is what we do when our patients bring in their own meds like Euflexxa.
You can bill the 20610 alone. Remember, Medicare likes a laterality modifier for this code. I doubt any payer will be concerned about a missing drug code.