Wiki Billing Card

AKA whoknows

Local Chapter Officer
Spartanburg, SC
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Question? how do you get your providers to bring back the information you need to for coding when he see patients in the hospital? Did you create a card or do you just use what he brings back? I have provider that I new working with and based on what he told me and the report from his EMR he may not billing for all the services he has done.
we always have either access to the facility electronic record or a carbon of the written chart. I never code from a billing card, only the actual documentation. Back in the day we always went over to the facility once a week and looked up all our visits in the charts.
all of our Physicians and Nurse Practitioners have "Cards". they are color coded and they have the pertinent information needed to be able to look up the patients in the hospital system to retrieve records for coding.

I have attached a picture of the front and back of one. usually the doctors will just slap a sticker from the hospital that has the patients name DOB and Account number from the hospital on it and put little check boxes on the back for the days that they seen the patient in house.

our surgeons also use them for their surgeries. I also cross check it with the OR list at the hospital weekly so no one gets lost in the mix.


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    Billing Card.jpg
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We used to have cards as well. The room number, patient name, diagnosis, and service rendered were required.

We also asked them to pull the face sheets. The same info is provided on the face sheet. It's a redundancy system so we make sure every charge is captured in case one or the other got lost. With the information, we log into the hospital systems and locate their notes to code.

Ever since the physicians have turned to the hospitalist model, the physician who is the hospitalist that week now uses a spreadsheet to log all that info. Face sheets are still required to help us identify the patient.

There is one person in the front office that maintains the spreadsheets. She updates the census when the physician signs off on the patient or the patient gets discharged.