Wiki billing antepartum charge for Alaska Medicaid


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Can anyone who has billed for Alaska Medicaid tell me if there are special codes for billing seperate antepartum charge? We have billed 59425 for one patients antepartum charges which was denied as a non covered code.

I have called Alaska Medicaid and all they tell me is that they can not tell us how to code and I have not been able to find anything on their web site offering information for antepartum billing.

Help Please!
There aren't any special codes for billing an ante partum visit but I have other questions because 59425/59426 are Medicaid payable codes:

What was the diagnosis that was sent on the claim?
Did you include your ante partum dates in the remarks area?
Did you include the LMP date of the patient?

Did you check the "remark" code? There are always remark codes listed along with the denial reason code that will give a little more explanation. This link is to the CARC (claim adjustment reason codes)code list if you are not familiar with that:

Hope this helps some...if all else fails call Medicaid and ask why! :)