Wiki Billing Anesthesia with External Cardioversion

Jim Pawloski

True Blue
Ann Arbor
Best answers
Had anyone billed for a Anesthesia code (especially General Anesthesia) with a External Cardioversion? I have had the question asked of me, and I want to say it's o.k., however I want to make sure I can.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Jim, According to my coding software, conscious sedation is included but as long as the anesthesia services are performed by a separate provider not performing procedure, you can bill separate. If the physician performing cardioversion is also performing anesthesia services you cannot bill separately.

HTH! :)
Jim, According to my coding software, conscious sedation is included but as long as the anesthesia services are performed by a separate provider not performing procedure, you can bill separate. If the physician performing cardioversion is also performing anesthesia services you cannot bill separately.

HTH! :)

Thanks TerrI,
That's makes sense. Bundled in the procedure if the cardiologist does sedation, separate of done by Anesthesia.

Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
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