Wiki Billing ? - adult patient covered under parent's insurance


True Blue
Rensselaer, NY
Best answers
If an 20 year old woman living on her own is covered under her parent's insurance, who should be billed for co-insurance after the payer has paid their portion? Logically, I would say the patient, but I am now wondering if that is the case. Thank you!
If an 20 year old woman living on her own is covered under her parent's insurance, who should be billed for co-insurance after the payer has paid their portion? Logically, I would say the patient, but I am now wondering if that is the case. Thank you!

In most states once a person reaches the age of 18 you are legally responsible for your financial debt. Same situation applies to a spouse on the other spouse's insurance. The patient is the one legal responsible for their debts.
adult patient

If there is no other insruance involved, then the patient s/b billed.
Thanks to all who responded.

That confirms my thought - and also gives me a good place to get a confirmation on state financial laws for proof.