Wiki Billing a f/u visit during surgical global period


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One of our surgeons asked this question yesterday during an education session.
If a patient comes in to see him with an abnormal mammogram and after seeing her
he decides to perform a biopsy (10 day global)...when he sees the patient in follow-up
he now has a diagnosis of breast cancer. Can he charge for this visit during the 10 day global period since this diagnosis has changed from abnormal mammogram to breast cancer or would this still be considered a postoperative follow-up visit?
sorry it is post op follow up. technically it is not a different diagnosis, it is a more specific diagnosis. They knew a problem existed which was the reason for the test, they just did not know which problem it would be.
billing a f/u visit during surgical global period

Thank you Debra for clearing that up. The provider and I thought that you might be able
to charge for the next encounter since you had a definite dx, but what you said makes sense....I'll pass along the information.

THanks again for your help.