Wiki Billing 99211 & Office Visit on same DOS


West Allis, WI
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I was wondering if it is alright to bill a 99211 with a 85610, when the patient (Medicare) saw a cardiologist to have his INR done. Then on the same day he sees a doctor from a different specialty for a completely unrelated reason. Can they both be billed? I have been billing them out and a supervisor from my company came out of no where and said we can't, she provided no proof of this information. I haven't been getting denials back for any of them. I have also researched and found nothing on billing office visits with nurse visits. Any info or links to help me solve this would be wonderful.

You cannot bill a 99211 for the INR. This is stated in Medicare transmittals. When the payient presents just to have the INR checked you may charge the blood collection code and the lab code.
In this case I have been billing out a 99211 because the documentation supports it. It states patient came into clinic, NP reviewed results with patient, talked about a bruise on patients arm. Reviewed patients diet changes, and had a supervising physician present in the office while this was taking place, MD signed off on the warfarin dosage changes. Now back to my original question, can I bill out this case along with another office visit done by a different provider on the same date of service that saw the patient for a different reason?
If the second provider is a different specialty yes, if the same specialty then no.
In the case you cite, I still disagree with the use of the 99211. If the NP examined a bruise along with everything else you probably have a 99212.
We have tried discussing billing a 99212 in cases like those but our company told us no since the documentation is put together in 2 to 3 sentences... Kind of a thin line for us... But do you by chance know where I could find the proof through Medicares website in regards to billing a 99211 and office visit if the providers have different specialties and seeing the patient for two completely different reasons? I have been digging through their website for two days now with no luck... I do appreciate your help in regards to answering my questions.
I don't have the link at my fingertips, however this question has been addressed in previous posts in this forum. I will see what I can find in my archives.