Wiki Billing 96372 with 86580

Thanks for the response. Still confused though because Code it Right online suggests that it can be billed together with the use of modifier 59. The billing software I am using also indicates that they can be billed together if a modifier is used. I am just not sure which modifier is appropriate to use in this situation.
You cannot use 96372 to administer a test this code is for the administration of therapeutic or prophylactic medication. 86580 is a test for TB. You can add a 59 if you did two separate things so if all you did was administer a TB test then that is all you may bill for.. the 86580
Thanks for the response. Still confused though because Code it Right online suggests that it can be billed together with the use of modifier 59. The billing software I am using also indicates that they can be billed together if a modifier is used. I am just not sure which modifier is appropriate to use in this situation.

Those codes are separately billable at the same encounter, but it would need to be a distinct procedural service (mod -59), as in if the patient also received an actual injection (ie B12). Reporting 96372 for placement of the PPD is inappropriate.
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from the AAPC Coder on CPT 86580:
Question 3: I'm not sure whether to use an E/M code or 86580 for tuberculosis skin tests. Can I report the injection separately?
Answer: The physician would typically perform an initial purified protein derivative (PPD) for tuberculosis skin screening. You should report this with 86580 and link V74.1 or V01.1 (Contact with or exposure to tuberculosis) with it.
Don't fall into the trap of coding 99211 for PPD because this is incorrect. Note, however, that 86580 does not cover any follow–up care. Therefore, if the patient returns to the office to have the nurse evaluate the test's results, you may then report 99211 to some payers. Although some payers may permit billing a minimal E/M (e.g., 99211) for the reading, the patient will be required to pay a co–pay for this service.
You also shouldn't report injection codes with 86580. The TB skin test includes administration.
Is it appropriate to bill 99211-25 with the 86580, if the patient is seeing a nurse only for the initial ppd placement?
You cannot bill a 99211 with the PPD placement when that is the reason for the encounter. There is no assessment that is over above and beyond the PPD. Therefore it is not appropriate to bill a visit as significant and separate.