Wiki Billing 92950 in Physician Office


Raynham, MA
Best answers
I have a scenario and I'm hoping to get some feedback on this as to if we can bill 92950 in the physician office setting:

Patient was walking in hallway to exam room when he dropped to the floor and coded. He was given CPR by the PCP. PCP stated he had given the patient 8-10 chest compressions and then the patient became concious again. Patient was taken to local hospital via Ambulance.

Question is, can we bill code for CPR in the physician office setting? Has any other physician office done this, if so is time needed in this documentation? We know we cannot bill an E&M code for this encounter as patient was never brought in the exam room for a visit.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
it all depends on documentation....remember if it isn't documented then it didn't happen

it the CPR is well documented then I would say that its separately billable, but it also might be appropriate to bill critical services (99291-99292) depending on exactly what was done and how long the physician was involved.