I was wondering if anyone has any experience billing 92283: Color Vision Examination, Extended. I work for an optometry practice and the doctors are considering the purchase of a new testing machine, but want to know if insurances will pay for the procedure before making the investment. The tricky part is there's not really a way to do the procedure without the technology to be able to know ahead of time. I have attempted to research the code with various insurances, both by looking for payment policies and reaching out to our provider relations representatives, and have not found much specific information. Searching CMS does not turn up any NCDs or LCDs (we're located in Rhode Island, so our MAC is NGS).
Has anyone billed this code and had it pay? My doctors are specifically interested in if it pays when paired with diagnoses of Diabetes, Glaucoma, and Age Related Macular Degeneration.
Any insight would be appreciated!
I was wondering if anyone has any experience billing 92283: Color Vision Examination, Extended. I work for an optometry practice and the doctors are considering the purchase of a new testing machine, but want to know if insurances will pay for the procedure before making the investment. The tricky part is there's not really a way to do the procedure without the technology to be able to know ahead of time. I have attempted to research the code with various insurances, both by looking for payment policies and reaching out to our provider relations representatives, and have not found much specific information. Searching CMS does not turn up any NCDs or LCDs (we're located in Rhode Island, so our MAC is NGS).
Has anyone billed this code and had it pay? My doctors are specifically interested in if it pays when paired with diagnoses of Diabetes, Glaucoma, and Age Related Macular Degeneration.
Any insight would be appreciated!