Wiki Billing 59409


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Question, when billing 59409 does the admin, subsequent and hospital discharge codes get billed out or are they global to the 59409?
I am kind of new to coding for deliveries and was always told that you can bill for these hospital codes when using 59409 but I am not sure on that.

Thanks for your any help!
If the provider who delivered sees the patient only in the hospital (no office antepartum or postpartum), you would bill 59409 and then subsequent visit(s) and discharge. The admission is included in the work of 59409.

I will also add that many practices have arrangements for other physicians/groups to cover and deliver each other's patients. Depending on the arrangement, it is typically still billed as global maternity by the practice/group that the patient belongs to. You may want to ensure there are no coverage arrangements before billing.

@nielynco has posted advice on this topic several times. Here are some of the posts to read through that could be helpful: