Wiki Billing 50590


Buckeye, AZ
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We have this denial from a medicaid provider that is stating they will not pay 50590 due to the hospital being paid for this service. I have tried explaining that we are the provider and are only billing for the pro fee services. They state we need a modifier if we want to bill but of course will not tell us which one. Does anyone have any idea how to explain that we as the provider should be paid for our services as well?
Thanks for any and all help!
Did you bill a hospital place of service code? If not, then that would cause the error in the payer's system. Another possibility is that this particular Medicaid plan wants the physician fees billed together on the UB form with the rest of the hospital charges - I think there still may be plans that do this, although it should be pretty rare. But if that is not the case and you did bill correctly and still got this denial, I think you will just need to escalate this. Whomever made the denial or is telling you the physician and hospital cannot both be paid clearly does not know what they are talking about, so you need to go to a higher level and find someone who does.