Wiki Billable?


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Hello All,

Trying to get others thoughts. Physician wants to bill a 99231 for this statement:

I spoke with the patients' son and discussed why a bronchoscopy has been asked for. Son says that his mother has been treated for TB twice once for 9 months and he would prefer that we do not do a bronchoscopy. Dr. __ was present as well to help interpret.

I do not think it is billable, (no exam, no medical decision making).
Would like others input. Please explain why if you think it is billable.
Thank you.
Hello All,

Trying to get others thoughts. Physician wants to bill a 99231 for this statement:

I spoke with the patients' son and discussed why a bronchoscopy has been asked for. Son says that his mother has been treated for TB twice once for 9 months and he would prefer that we do not do a bronchoscopy. Dr. __ was present as well to help interpret.

I do not think it is billable, (no exam, no medical decision making).
Would like others input. Please explain why if you think it is billable.
Thank you.

I do not think this is billable either. It did not meet the criteria needed for this code.
99231 is a face to face provider to patient encounter. I see no face to face documented in what you have. I say no billable encounter for this.