Wiki Bill passed the House - ICD10 2015?


Jacksonville, FL
Best answers
Dang. Are we ever going to get to ICD-10? Coders and providers have spent a ton of money getting to this point. What do we do now? We've already been delayed twice that I know of and CMS is adamant there be no more delays. I wonder what's going to happen.

If the bill passes the Senate ICD-10 will be delayed by another year. Additionally, if the bill passes, the 24% reduction in Medicare reimbursements will not go into effect on April 1.

Those opposed to the 24% cut in Medicare reimbursements will vote for the bill and at the same time, delay ICD-10 by a year.

Those opposed to delaying ICD-10 will vote no on the bill and the cuts go into effect April 1.

Am I reading this all right?
Senate bill on ICD 10

It is a part of the SGR bill. It can be taken out. I called all my Senators to do so. Do the same.