Wiki bilateral tibialis tendinitis


Providence, RI
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I am trying to get the correct icd-10 coding for bilateral tibialis tendinitis. All I can find in the book is right, left, or unspecified. I remember being told to not use unspecified...should I be billing with right and left separately? Any advice?
I am trying to get the correct icd-10 coding for bilateral tibialis tendinitis. All I can find in the book is right, left, or unspecified. I remember being told to not use unspecified...should I be billing with right and left separately? Any advice?

Yes, use both the left and right codes. Not all codes in ICD10 have the bilateral option (which is doing nothing but frustrating some of my docs, bc they actually want to use them!), and I really don't understand the reasoning for it. But in the case that the patient has that condition bilaterally, and there is no bilateral option, you'll have to code both.
