Wiki Bilateral Surgical Procedure Billing


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We are having problems with all of the different payors for the bilateral Selective Catheter Placement codes 36222-36228. They either want the 50 modifier Qty 1 or 2 lines with the 2nd line having the 50 modifier on it and then they are not paying any of them. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions?
Dr Z suggested -59 for the carriers having trouble with the -50. Have you tried the -59 instead? I don't think we've had that problem.

The problem we are having is with the new cath intervention codes... and that's with Medicare!!! Our carrier is Noridian and I just talked to them yesterday about properly coded and billed 92929. It's a bundled code and will not ever pay according to the Call Center person. I'm blown away. We finally get codes to properly bill second stent placement in a different major vessel and we can't get paid!! Definitely one to fight!

Anyway back to your problem.... Good luck! Please let us know how it goes for you?