Wiki bilateral lower extermity angiograms


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When billing for bilateral lower extremity angiograms I bill code 36247. Do I also add the -50 modifier?? Also if a previous CTA was done I shouldn't bill for 75716-26?? The previous CTA was done bilaterally on 3/8 and the BLE angiogram was done on 4/8. Thanks. Lisa
When billing for bilateral lower extremity angiograms I bill code 36247. Do I also add the -50 modifier?? Also if a previous CTA was done I shouldn't bill for 75716-26?? The previous CTA was done bilaterally on 3/8 and the BLE angiogram was done on 4/8. Thanks. Lisa

Catheter placement code selection is driven by specific documentation, there is no generic answer. Also, in many cases, the catheter placement is included with another procedure (code) and is not separately reportable. In the above scenario, the first question I would try to answer is 'why are they performing another diagnositic test so soon after the CTA? My guess is that they are performing a revascularization procedure. Is this so?
If it is, then catheter placement is included, and diagnostic images may or may not be, depending on the specific documentation.

There, clear as mud right?

HTH :)