Wiki Bilateral diagnosis codes in ICD10


True Blue
Baton Rouge
Best answers
I thought about this question one day last week, but hadn't seen any real issues with it at that point...but now I do, so I'd like to get others' thoughts on it.

For any codes that have right, left, and bilateral options, I understand that if a patient has that particular diagnosis bilaterally, then the bilateral code should be used. This certainly makes sense for something like an E/M service...patient has osteoarthritis in both knees, both are addressed in an office visit...provider should use the bilateral code. But what about for services that are directed to only one of the knees, such as an Xray or injection? Even though the patient has OA bilaterally, that service is just for one? Shouldn't the specific left or right code be used then? Am I overthinking this?? :p

Appreciate any insight/guidance/resource anyone has to offer. TIA!! :D